Monday, December 28, 2009

Castle Rock Aikido Goes International

Our Aikido School Published in The Netherlands

Castle Rock AIKIDO was recently featured in a European Aikido publication. Aikido Centrum LUAR BIASA, a dojo from The Netherlands, saw a popular article of ours published earlier this year in The Aikido Journal and requested permission to translate the article from English to Dutch. It ws then published in their print version of their November 2009 issue of the dojo "Shishou" or newsletter.

The article was about "Mitori Keiko" or "watch and steal training." The article discussed the importance of continuing to come to Aikido class to observe even when you are injured because of how much a student can learn and improve simply by watching others practice.

The Dutch-translated article is now hanging up in our school's lobby. You can read the English version of this article by clicking here.

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